Tooth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that allows you to regain those pearly whites after they have been discoloured. But without any prior tooth whitening experience, it's easy to feel concerned and question whether you want to get them whitened in the first place. Plenty of people have successful teeth whitening procedures with the dentist. You can clarify your concerns before you decide to get one. Here's how:
How Do Teeth Get Discoloured In The First Place?
Without any dentistry expertise, you're probably wondering what you've done to get discoloured teeth in the first place. Plenty of reasons can cause teeth discolouration. For example, certain foods like coffee and red wine can stain teeth if consumed excessively over time. Certain medications, tobacco and alcohol consumption can also cause stains to form on teeth. In some instances, underlying dental problems may also cause discolouration. Your dentist will need to inspect your teeth and establish the cause of the problem before determining whether teeth whitening will work for you. For instance, underlying dental problems like tooth decay and receding gums cannot be solved by tooth whitening alone. The issue itself will need to be resolved before teeth can be whitened.
Do You Have To Take Care Of Your Teeth After Whitening?
It's important to remember that whitening is a procedure to restore the normal colour of your teeth but the process isn't permanent. Assuming that you can return to poor oral hygiene and unadvisable eating habits will only cause your teeth to discolour quickly once again. The effects of teeth whitening typically last depending on how well you take care of them. If you brush your teeth regularly and avoid smoking and consuming teeth-staining foods, you can expect the procedure to last longer than otherwise.
Are There Any Side Effects From Teeth Whitening?
Whitening treatments can either be performed at home by yourself or at the dentist's office. Since you may not have the best knowledge of DIY treatments, you could risk the bleaching agent coming into contact with your gums and other areas of your mouth. This may result in chemical burns that could have been prevented. Cosmetic dentists are trained to undertake this procedure as safely as possible, which may be the smarter choice to prevent long-term issues. Your teeth may feel sensitive for a few days after the treatment, but this will return to normal once again.
Teeth whitening can make you feel more confident because it gives you a whiter, brighter smile. Address any concerns you have with your dentist beforehand.