Having a beautiful set of teeth after drug addiction

  • 4 Signs Veneers Will Beat Braces for Correcting Your Diastema

    24 January 2017

    A diastema is simply the proper medical name given to a gap between two teeth. Many people have such gaps, and they are usually nothing to worry about from an oral-health point of view. That said, many people with a large diastema between the upper incisors dislike the look and wish to close the gap. The two main options for accomplishing this are veneers and braces. Each option has its own drawbacks and benefits, but veneers will often make a better option.

  • Why Braces Are Not Just For Youngsters

    18 January 2017

    Do you think that braces are just for kids? This is a prevalent misconception in society, perhaps because a lot of the marketing associated with braces is meant to target this particular demographic. If you're more mature and have been thinking about how to get your teeth straightened, the good news is that braces can certainly be a course of action for you. What do you need to consider first?

  • 4 Reasons You Should Stick with Just One Dentist

    18 January 2017

    Unless you need to stick with one particular dentist for insurance reasons, you'll probably enjoy the option to simply visit any dentist at any nearby surgery instead of registering with just one. Some people prefer the freedom that this provides, and it might be a better option if you frequently need to travel to other parts of the country for extended periods. However, most people will strongly benefit from registering with and sticking to just one dentist.

  • Planes, Trains and Tooth Maladies: 6 Simple Fixes for a Toothache While You're on the Move by Plane or Train

    18 January 2017

    Travelling with a toothache is never nice. It's even worse when you didn't plan for it beforehand (who does?), and downright murderous if you still have several hours of your journey remaining before you can disembark and do something about the pain. On foot or by car you at least have the option of seeking out a pharmacy for some extra strong painkillers, or booking an emergency dental appointment within the hour.

  • Why Pregnant Mothers Need to Pay More Attention to Their Oral Health

    17 January 2017

    If you are planning to begin a family, you and your partner have a tremendous amount to consider. You've got to think about the months of pregnancy leading up to the birth and how you're going to cope with it physically, mentally and financially. You have to start looking long-term and make preparations for the well-being of the child in its new home. Yet while all of this is in mind, have you stopped to think about your own health as an expectant mother?

  • First Aid Tips For Dental Emergencies

    17 January 2017

    No matter how well you care for your teeth, accidents do sometimes happen and your pearly whites get damaged. Taking the right prompt action before seeking urgent dental treatment can help to save your smile. Here's what to do in case of common dental emergencies. Your tooth is knocked out If one of your permanent teeth is knocked out completely, rinse the root of the tooth under cold, bottled water. Hold the tooth by the main body of enamel, rather than the root itself.

  • Cosmetic Procedures You Could Consider To Enhance Your Smile

    17 January 2017

    One of the first things that people notice when they meet each other is their smile. Therefore, it plays a significant role in the first impression that you give off. It is not unheard of to find individuals who may have imperfections in their teeth trying to conceal them by not smiling. However, what this does is make you look closed off. Luckily, if you are not satisfied with the appearance of your teeth, you have the option to enhance your smile.

  • Say Cheese: 3 Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures to Brighten Your Smile

    17 January 2017

    It's a time-old cliche that the dentist's office is not a destination anybody enjoys - but that needn't be the case.  Modern dentistry is full of quick and painless solutions to a wide variety of problems, and it extends far beyond medical procedures too.  We all know about orthodontic work, allowing bent teeth to be carefully shaped and straightened, but that's not the only way your dentist can improve your smile.

  • Why You Need to Take Action When a Tooth Is Knocked out

    17 January 2017

    If you like to take part in contact sports, or have responsibility for overseeing these activities on a playing field, then you need to have a certain amount of first aid awareness. This is particularly important, of course, if you're in a supervisory role. However, many people do not realise that there is a certain procedure to take in the event that a player has one of their teeth knocked out.